Small Business Woes...

Amidst the unfortunate circumstances of the current social and economical disaster of COVID 19 we are hopeful to resume “business as usual” soon. With that in mind and spring seemingly having sprung early, we are dusting off the proverbial cob webs and making some changes to the lesson payment structures and payment terms. As a small business, cash flow is the life line that flows from offering a variety of payment options. Unfortunately as a small business it is becoming increasingly difficult to absorb the fees associated with these options. We understand that credit cards are an integral part of our modern day existence and will continue to offer this method of payment however, the 3% fees associated with this service will be reflected as a convenience fee in the price of the respective service provided. To save this 3% convenience fee, we will continue to accept cash, personal checks or ApplePay.

The second change to the lesson payment structure stems from upcoming monthly checking account transaction limitations imposed by banks. In light of this we will no longer be offering payment for individual lessons with the exception of an initial assessment lesson for new customers. Lesson package purchase options are as follows:

Beginner Package of 2 lessons $80

Group Package of 4 lessons $200

Private Package of 4 lessons $240

PLEASE BE REMINDED THAT ALL PACKAGES ARE TO BE PREPAID, due with the first lesson of that package being purchased. When all prepaid lessons have been taken you’ll be sent a “receipt” for your verification and records. A $5 late fee per lesson will apply to all unpaid balances. Boarders will receive a $5 per group lesson discount when that package is pre-paid with their respective board payment. The above changes are effective April 1, 2020.

We thank you for your continued support and understanding. Here’s to everyone weathering these trying times in good health and hoping to see you all back at the barn soon!