The issue of addressing personal responsibility and consideration for others is not a new one, however the rising lack of both warrants immediate attention. Sport Horse prides itself as barn of do it “yourselvers”, i.e. grooming our own mount, cleaning our own tack, picking up after ourselves, etc. Somewhere this message has been lost to levels that are UNACCEPTABLE! Water bottles, various drink containers, empty candy rappers and chip bags left laying in the indoor, the outdoor, the lesson tack room, the iselways and the parking lot… Crops of various sizes and colors hanging on stalls, laying in the sand of either ring or in isle ways… Lesson bridles left hanging on stall fronts… Sand, poop and mud covered unswept wash racks and isle ways from walking horses through… Grooming lesson totes left out in isle ways and various brushes left in the grass by the wash rack…

The premise here is very SIMPLE… PUT YOUR STUFF AWAY! Hang bridles on their respective hook, that is why they are labeled by name! Put crops back on the crop holder in the tack room. Hang lightly used saddle pads on the stall bars or take sweaty/dirty ones to the laundry bin in the tack room! Put your grooming tote back in the tack room. If your horse made a mess in the isle way while you’re walking it to or from your lesson, CLEAN IT UP! If your horse made a mess in the wash rack, CLEAN IT UP! We have ample brooms, shovels, muck tubs and trash containers placed in the barn to assist you with these responsibilities so USE THEM and then put them back so the next person can find them! The tack room in the main barn is for BOARDERS ONLY, any supplies and tack found in this room is NOT FOR LESSON USE! If you cannot find what you need to get your lesson horse ready ASK YOUR INSTRUCTOR FOR ASSISTANCE! If you are unsure of clean up protocols, AS YOUR INSTRUCTOR FOR ASSISTANCE!

THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR LEAVING A MESS OR TRASH FOR THE PERSON THAT GETS HERE AFTER YOU! IT’S RUDE AND INCONSIDERATE. We are here to instruct and guide your equestrian endeavors, NO ONE is here to clean up after you. If everyone does their share, we will all be able to enjoy being with horses on some level or another! See y’all at the barn :)

Casualties of things left where they don’t belong…

Casualties of things left where they don’t belong…